Maverick Spring Makers Limited, a manufacturer of custom springs in Brantford, Ontario, is proud to announce their Environmental Management System has been registered to ISO 14001.
ISO 14001 provides a framework for organizations to protect the environment, to identify and control their environmental impact and continually improve their performance in response to changing external and internal factors.
Since 1996 Maverick’s Quality Management System has been registered, first to ISO QS 9000 and currently to ISO/TS 16949. A quality management system is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. Building on our ISO/TS 16949 registration, ISO 14001 registration is
further evidence of our efforts to continually improve our processes and further minimize any negative impact our business activities have on the environment.
Maverick Spring Makers Limited is committed to the practice of sound environmental stewardship and the promotion of health, safety and the well- being of our employees.
We will never knowingly permit any person, or the environment to be harmed by our actions or our products.
Maverick is committed to the philosophy of REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.
So you’ve nearly completed your project, but need one more thing to make it work: a spring. Fortunately, you know Maverick has you covered. When our clients come to us with their spring needs, there are a few things we’ll ask you to ensure the best solution for you in a timely and economical manner. For your convenience, we’ve included some of those questions below.
Do you have a drawing/sample we can copy?
This is always extremely helpful in getting the process started right away. We will evaluate the drawing and/or sample to make sure it’s what you need it to be, and confirm that it is able to be manufactured.
No sample? No problem! Do you need compression, extension, or torsion?
Most commonly, the answer here is compression. If that’s the case, we’ll need to know a few things.
What is the installed length of the spring?
What is the force required at the installed length?
What is the working length of the spring?
What is the force required at the working length of the spring?
If the spring works over a rod, what size rod?
If it works over a hole, what size hole?
What environment does the spring work in? (Hot, corrosive, cold, shock-loading, etc.)
How long does the spring need to last?
Now that we have more detailed information, we can help find the optimum spring design for your requirements. Sometimes at this stage, we unfortunately have to let you know that the task is not possible. This is usually due to the spring design work being left at the end of an overall project design, with little or no physical space available to fit a properly functioning spring. To avoid such a fate, it’s best to figure out the performance and fatigue requirements of the spring in your design in its earliest stages.
Of course, if there is anything we can do to aid in fitting a compression spring into a slightly smaller space, we will. End grinding can improve the end squareness and the load bearing surface, while reducing the solid height of the spring. Set-removing can improve fatigue life for what might have otherwise proved an overstressed design. We work with conical spring designs, hourglass spring designs, barrel shapes, multiple pitch, multiple diameters — for the most part, you name it and Maverick can do it!
If work such as this is needed for your design, it’s important to keep in mind that all a springs characteristics are inter-related. Changing one aspect of a design will undoubtedly mean something else will need to change to accommodate it. We at Maverick Spring Makers are happy to work with you to find the right compromise, and keep your project running smoothly.
In our last blog, we took some time to discuss the causes for the increasing level of pollution in the U.S. and Canada. Now that we understand what is filling our air with dangerous and often fatal levels of pollution, we need to look at ways we can mitigate this disaster.
As with the creation of air pollution, there is not one simple way to reduce our levels of contaminated air. In order to reverse the current trends, we will have to attack the problem on multiple fronts.
Personal Conservation
You have heard this one since childhood: If you consume less, you produce fewer emissions. Humanity can accomplish this goal by driving less, turning off lights, and recycling. On its own, these are great ideas, but it will take a revolution in human behavior to make a dent in our current problems. Then again, you have to start somewhere.
Transportation and Production Alternatives
Currently, manufacturers and industries across the U.S. and Canada rely heavily on cars, trucks and planes to transport goods over North America’s wide expanse. There is a push on to utilize transportation alternatives like trains and pipelines. Both reduce the amount of fossil fuels used, thus improving air quality. Another less popular, but perhaps equally effective idea is sourcing more goods locally. The closer you are to suppliers of goods and services, the less travel time necessary.
Pollution-Control Systems
Most current machines and facilities that use fossil fuels can benefit from advanced pollution control systems. Things like thermal oxidizers, wet scrubbers, heat exchangers, and energy recovery systems can reduce air pollution. (At Maverick Spring, we have seen a rise in orders for products used in these systems.)
Renewable Energy Sources
For many experts, this is the true future of reducing air pollution. Popular alternative energy sources include, wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower. There is still a long way to go for renewables to replace fossil fuels. They are still far too expensive and hard to install, but with each passing day, these obstacles are disappearing. In 2013, wind power contributed 4.1 percent of electricity generated in the U.S., up from 3.4 percent in 2012, so some change is occurring.
While there is no magic bullet, if both individuals and industries make a concerted effort, there is a chance that we will be able to reverse or at least slow the current levels of dangerous air pollution around the globe. At Maverick Spring, we will continue to do our best to reduce our levels of air pollution—and we’re hoping our compression, extension, and torsion springs will find their way into more products that can make a difference.
Hardly a day goes by where we’re not reading about the dangers of air pollution—because it’s growing, and the complications are evident. This scourge of the modern world is being blamed for everything from the rise in asthma rates and cardiovascular disease to poor childhood development. The problem has become so bad that a recent study claims approximately 7 million people worldwide are killed every year from air pollution.
So, what exactly is causing this life-threatening boom in air pollution? Unfortunately, there is no one simple answer, but we have broken down a few individual factors and to help identify the possible culprits.
Over Population
With one new human born every 8 seconds, the world is filling up quickly. North America alone now is home to more than 356 million people. As we become more reliant on modern technologies such as cars, computers, air travel, and even air conditioning, our demand for energy is skyrocketing. A higher demand for goods means more production/manufacturing and pollution-heavy factories. This also covers the chemicals used in food production.
Fossil Fuels
If it has a motor, odds are it runs on fossil fuels. More than 87 percent of the world’s energy consumption comes from coal, natural gas, and oil. Added to this is the recent shale oil and gas boom in North America (especially in the Northern U.S. and Western Canada) over the past decade. This has lowered fuel prices, increased usage, and introduced plenty of pollution from production. To understand the levels of production, you only need to know that Canada is now the third largest natural gas producer in the world.
Getting You from Here to There
This idea one combines the first two—more people, more jobs, and more demand mean more trucks, cars, trains, planes, factories, and power plants.
In the end, air pollution is a vicious cycle. Modernity brings mind blowing advances in technology, which means longer life spans, more people, more products and services, and so on. The only real way to stop the damage is to find a way to limit emissions. In our next blog, we will be covering some of the ways the world is attempting to stop, or at least slow down, air pollution before it is too late.
As technology evolves, many industries are impacted by the growing systems and machinery, which spurs endless benefits. In our business, one of the great advantages to the latest and greatest multi-axis spring coilers is the incredible production speeds that are now possible, thanks to a little help from current machine technology.
Looking back at the initial development of processes in the 1900s, there was minimal change on the original segment feed mechanical spring coilers until the 1990s, when they finally phased out. The mechanical machines were wonderful tools, and improvements in metals and machining technology did lead to continuous improvements in quality and production speeds, but the main flaw in segment spring coilers was the time lost waiting for the spring to be cut off.
Nowadays, the new machinery allows us to hold springs to tighter tolerances than ever before. Because segment coilers work off of a 360-degree camshaft, the wire feed part of the process took up 180 degrees of the cycle, and everything else, (most often just the cut) took the other 180 degrees. It depends on the size and type of wire, and the diameter of the spring, but eventually, you reach a limit as to how fast you can push the wire through the machine.
Because multi-axis CNC coilers aren’t tied into one-half the cycle for wire feed and one-half the cycle for everything else, we require much less cycle time for the cut. Instead of 180 degrees, we require as little as 45 degrees. Instead of one-half of the cycle, we only need one-eighth of the cycle to cut off the spring. We lose less time from the completion of one spring to the start of the next spring waiting for the cut. Without changing the wire feed speed, (in terms of meters per minute or feet per second—pick your units), without changing the wire feed speed, we can increase the production rate by 75 percent.
Where we used to experience a 90 percent positive yield for free length, we now regularly see yields at more than 95 percent—and don’t worry, the rejected percentages never left our building. That improvement in yield, combined with improvement in production speed, means less time required to make your spring. Less time equals lower prices.
With new, state-of-the-art multi-axis high speed coiling machines, Maverick Spring Makers can make springs faster and cheaper than ever before, which frees up time on the machines to take on new work, without requiring more labour. That’s good for Maverick, and great for the customer. With reduced set up times, we have more time available to make springs, again, without incurring any extra labour costs.
Why does Maverick invest in high speed coiling? The answer is simple: It saves the customer money.
At Maverick Spring, we have always taken great pride in our commitment to quality. When a customer begins a relationship with us, we understand they trust that our work will meet or exceed all of their expectations—and for this reason, we have taken the extra steps necessary to become ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified.
The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, has been the leading voluntary international standard organization since 1947. They create specifications for products, services, and good practices for a wide range of industries across the globe. Perhaps their most well known and respected standard is ISO 9001:2008, which “sets out the criteria for a quality management system.”
ISO 9001:2008 has a few branches, and one of those is the ISO/TS 16949:2009 certification that we are proud to have earned. This “defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, when relevant, installation and service of automotive-related products,” according to the website. While the definition is simple, the audit process to attention this is not.
Many hours are spent reviewing processes, procedures, and numbers—and once you are registered, the ISO will consistently audit your performance to uphold its values. This is our ISO/TS 16949:2009 is such a point of pride—it tells you that we never take a day off when it comes to quality.
We also want to mention that we were the first Canadian-owned spring company to achieve the original QS-9000 recognition in 1996, which is a standard originally funneled in between the ISO/TS 16949:2009 and ISO 9001 certifications. Beginning in 2006, the QS-9000 certification was looped into ISO:9001, proving that we’ve been working toward a commitment to quality for many years.
Does Maverick’s Quality Management System work? Ask our customers. In 2013, we had no customer complaints, no customer rejections. We’re not perfect, and we do make the occasional mistake—but our mistakes don’t get shipped to the customer. We are certified in the manufacture of compression, extension, and torsion springs and wire forms, and you can view the certificate of registration by clicking here.
The North American automotive industry has seen its ups and downs. While 2013 was a fantastic year for the big names (15.6 million new passenger cars and light trucks were sold in the U.S. alone), it’s also important to remember we’re only four years removed from the troubles of 2009—but there’s plenty of hope ahead.
This month, the first big industry gathering of 2014 took place: the North American International Auto Show. Running from January 13-26 in Detroit, this year’s NAIAS left us with plenty to talk about. (Which isn’t difficult to do, considering the auto industry spent more than $200 million on this one show, according to reports.) Because we’re so closely tied and involved with this sector, we wanted to platform some of the biggest stories to arise from the event. It was nearly impossible to narrow down the list, but we’ve chosen five:
1. Launching New Models As always, the NAIAS is the place major automakers release their latest and greatest models. This year’s crop included the aluminum bodied Ford F-15, the 2014 “Car of the Year” Chevrolet Stingray, and Honda’s Fit.
2. Car and Truck of the Year Sweep One brand swept the car and truck of the year awards: Chevrolet’s 2014 Corvette Stingray and Silverado took to the awards for car and truck respectively.
3. Cutting-Edge Concept Cars Concept cars are always a popular part of any NAIAS. This year the most talked about seems to be the Toyota’s FT-1. While tech specs for the FT-1 were not released, Toyota did offer a virtual version of the car for video game players.
4. Technology This year’s NAIAS was filled with of transportation tech—from established companies and startups, which this includes smart phone-enabled controls, additional cameras, and more.
5. Hydrogen Fuel Cells What was once just a dream is now coming closer to reality, with a nod to Toyota’s hydrogen fuel technology in the concept FCV.
Want more on NAIAS? Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates on innovation from the show and what’s new in the automotive industry.
One of the challenges in designing products with springs is figuring out exactly what you need for a spring: You know what you want the spring to do—but what will the spring look like? How big will it be? What material will it be made of?
One option involves getting in contact with one of several suppliers for so-called catalog springs. Often, they can get you close to what you need—on a lucky day you’ll find exactly what you need, and when you only need a handful of a product, buying from a catalog is often a good way to go. (Truth be told, we’ve bought catalog springs ourselves.) But when you need a specific spring and you need the spring in mass production quantities, you need a custom spring manufacturer like Maverick Spring Makers Limited.
Take, for example, our new friends at Twothirds Water, where they’ve been working on a better water filter. Bradley Pierik, the founder of Two Thirds Water comes from a background where the goal isn’t that everyone uses a certain technology to filter water, but that everyone has clean water. We like that. We think that is a healthy, forward thinking way to develop a business. Twothirds Water has a water filter design that we think is world class, and will change—for the better—lives all over the world.
In the organization’s TAPP water filter, there is a simple spring loaded ball check valve to control the water flow. In the development stages, Twothirds Water used a zinc-plated music wire spring with ground ends that they sourced from an industrial supply catalog. The spring gave the physical performance required, but for a spring that will experience tens of thousands of liters of flowing water over the course of years, corrosion resistance is very important—and zinc plating isn’t going to be good enough, which is why they called us.
Since this is fresh water, Stainless Steel Type 302 is the best, most common, most economical place to start. To keep costs down, we advised against grinding the spring ends, which will save pennies per unit and thousands in the bigger picture. One of the challenges in spring design is that you cannot directly substitute Stainless Steel Type 302 for music wire. All other things being equal, a spring made with Stainless Steel Type 302 will be approximately 13 percent weaker than a spring made with music wire. As well, the stainless steel spring cannot be deflected as much as music wire before the spring takes a permanent set. To change to Stainless Steel from music wire, you will often need to change or increase the wire size, too. The final complication is that the spring is in the water flow. That is, if the spring is compressed to solid, water won’t flow.
Working with Twothirds Water, Maverick Spring Makers Limited has helped develop a spring that keeps the ball valve closed when it is supposed to be closed, allowing water to flow through when the valve is open and maintains acceptable flow rates. To top it off, this spring is much cheaper than buying a stock spring from a catalog.
For more information on our custom spring capabilities or to see how we can save you money, head over to our website.
When we introduced you to the company in a previous blog, we discussed how the founder, John Monné, and his family are still a major part of Maverick Spring Makers. The business began as one idea from Monné, and it has evolved to manufacture custom spring products for North America—and we’ve learned a lot along the way.
For starters, we’ve always kept at the forefront of our new ideas and expansion plans on how far the company has come. Most notably, we’ve discovered our flexibility an offering not many others can replicate, and we have the ability to accommodate the customer—and employee—need without affecting the ability to deliver.
While most businesses we tend to work with in the manufacturing industry are corporations and smaller companies, we’ve taken great pride in remaining a family-owned business—and we’re not the only ones. Out of the 500 companies on Standard and Poor’s index, approximately one-third of them are family-controlled, according to Business Insider. The publication breaks down the top 10 largest family-run businesses, including Mars, News Corp., Comcast, and Ford Motor Co. has a great round-up of success tips for family-owned companies, including the value of making mistakes, the true power of leadership, and setting parameters for business, which we completely agree with. Smaller and family-owned businesses have the opportunity to work with clients on a face-to-face level and build a relationship, and we believe these characteristics are invaluable to businesses.
Even though Maverick Spring Makers Limited is a small, family owned business, we’re also part of something much larger. We’re a little more than two hours away from the Windsor-Detroit border, where 25 percent of all Canada/U.S. trade crosses. The value of trade that crosses the Ambassador Bridge is equal to the value of trade between the United States and Japan. Trade between Canada and the United States supports more than 7 million U.S jobs.
In Canada, 98 percent of all employer businesses are classified as small business, with almost 50 percent of Canada’s total workforce employed in small business. Approximately 86 percent of small businesses in Canada are exporters and make up more than 40 percent of private sector GDP. More than half of small Canadian manufacturers have demonstrated commitments to research and development, and we’re no exception. We’ll share some of our in-house innovations in future blogs.
Want to know more about Maverick Spring Makers or do business with us? Give us a call at 800-563-7304.
Did you know that more cars are manufactured in Ontario than any other area of North America? Yes, this Canadian province beats out its neighbors, Michigan included, when it comes to auto production. With Ontario overtaking Detroit, the motor city, in auto production, that makes a big statement about the province’s place in the auto manufacturing.
To get more specific, Ontario boasts the residence of five of the world’s top automakers, not to mention more than 300 parts manufacturers. These combined producers are the source for more than 88,000 jobs for high-skilled workers in the area, and this massive group of industry insiders made more than 2.1 million vehicles in 2011, according to an Ontario government website.
So, the number of cars produced in Ontario is “more than any other North American sub-national jurisdiction,” but there is more going on in this province than assembling cars. The Ontario government website claims that the automobile throughout the world is being “reinvented” to meet new environmental standards. The Ontario government is providing incentives to the Canadian auto industry to manufacture in a “green environment.” The goal of all manufacturers is to have tomorrow’s cars eco-friendly by making lighter and recyclable, and operational via clean energy sources.
Ontario isn’t just leading the auto industry in North America; it’s changing the auto industry in North America. The green efforts taking place in this region of Canada will help make the production of cars more eco-friendly, while also making them stronger and faster.
Mavericks Springs is conveniently located in the center of automotive parts manufacturing and automotive assembly in Ontario. As a Canadian manufacturer, we recognize this as an industry hub—as there are few (if any) other areas in the country that can match this level of production, and we’re happy to be in the middle of it. For more information on our past projects in the automotive industry or our springs, head over to our website.